DNA Ploidy Test - Early, Accurate and Painless Oral Cancer Diagnosis

Artificial Intelligence empowers doctors to diagnose oral cancer before symptoms. Now you can start using Ai-Powered DNA Ploidy test with ZERO investment.

AI-Powered Oral Cancer Diagnosis Before Symptoms

DNA Ploidy test is an AI-Powered quantitative diagnostic test to diagnose oral cancer early, accurately, and causing no pain for a patient.

DNA Ploidy Test is developed by British Columbia Cancer Research, Canada and Internationally standardized by 4th Consensus Reports of the European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology (ESACP).

DNA Ploidy Test can detect aneuploidy in squamous epithelium cells of oral mucosa up to 2 years earlier than cytology or histology alone.

Cancer Canada

5 Reasons to Start Using DNA Ploidy Test Right Now

1. Painless Oral Cancer Test

DNA Ploidy test is absolutely painless and well accepted by patients. Sample for DNA Ploidy test is collected using high cellularity Rovers® Orcellex® Brush. This procedure is painless, there is no bleeding  and does not require anesthesia.

At the same time, new, patented design of the brush enables optimal collection, storage and release of cell material.

AI Powered DNA Ploidy test collection kit

2. Power of AI at your practice

AI-Powered DNA Ploidy test measures DNA quantity within a cell and gives an exact number of abnormal cells in a sample. This data provides early, accurate and painless diagnosis of oral cancer.

DNA Ploidy test is based on aneuploidy, which is a proven biomarker for cancer for more than 100 years.  

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3. Grow practice with ZERO investment

Now you can access world’s most advanced AI-Powered DNA Ploidy test for early detection of oral cancer with zero investment. Order DNA Ploidy test kits and get it delivered to  your practice. Test your patients, reduce their risk of deadly disease and grow your practice.

DNA Ploidy grow medical practice

4. Early Diagnosis - High Success rate

Doing DNA Ploidy test enables doctors to assess the risk of oral cancer with the painless procedure and provide accurate diagnosis up to 2 years earlier than cytology or histology alone with extremely high accuracy.

Most doctors don’t want to do a painful biopsy when only mild symptoms are present. This is due to the fact that pathology may give false-negative results in the early development of cancer because changes are happening within a cell and are not expressed morphologically. Thus painful procedure would be more damaging – giving a false sense of security, while oral cancer grows undisturbed and is diagnosed later already in the late-stage when difficult and expensive treatment is required.

Early oral cancer signs

5. Simply better than conventional diagnostic methods

Conventional diagnostic methods, such as cytology and histology are based on subjective morphological analysis of the sample, so very early changes that happen within the cell nucleus are not yet visible through a microscope even for the most experienced pathologist. Furthermore, human bias, sampling, and technological errors are often involved leading to the wrong diagnosis.

Meanwhile, the AI-powered DNA Ploidy test is objective, quantitative, and the most accurate painless and non-invasive test available today to detect oral cancer early.

DNA Ploidy test: Sensitivity 98% & Specificity 100% 

Oral cancer imaging DNA-ICM

DNA Ploidy Test Application

Oral Cancer Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment

Doctors successfully utilize DNA Ploidy test fighting oral cancer through all the journey from prevention, diagnosis and painless follow-up method to minimize the risk of cancer recurrence.

DNA Ploidy test together with VELscope Vx system is an extremely powerful combination fighting oral cancer. Enhanced visualization of oral abnormalities is very useful to detect oral abnormalities early and determine sample collection site for DNA Ploidy test or biopsy.

VELscope Vx and DNA Ploidy test kit

Instant Benefits for Doctors & Patients

  • Highest Accuracy
  • Painless Sample Collection
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Quantitative Results
  • Non-Invasive
  • Cost-Effective
  • Early Detection of Cancer
  • Shows biological cell behavior
  • Reduce needless biopsies
  • Saves Lives

Easy addition to practice - Big Impact

All you need to know to start benefiting your practice with DNA Ploidy test. Quick & Easy training by oral pathologist and DNA Ploidy specialist.

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3 Ways to Grow Practice with DNA Ploidy Test

1. Wellness & Prevention

Screening is an important part of wellness ensuring long and healthy cancer-free life.

  • Routine screening for asymptomatic people

Oral cancer can happen to everyone – 25% of oral cancer cases report none of the known risk factors.

  • Regular screening for high-risk patients

When abnormal cells are detected early, in the pre-cancerous stage lifestyle change, or simple treatment can help to stop abnormal changes and prevent cancer from developing.

  • Cancer Patients Family Screening

Oral cancer can be happening due to genetic or environmental reasons, such as habits, HPV, pollution, so relatives of oral cancer patients are at a greater risk to develop this disease themselves.

Oral cancer prevention with DNA Ploidy test painless

2. Painless Oral Cancer Diagnosis

DNA Ploidy test can detect oral cancer before symptoms anup to 2 years earlier than cytology or histology alone.

To diagnose oral cancer early using conventional methods is difficult, but with the DNA Ploidy test it becomes an easy and painless experience. An accurate and timely oral cancer diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment. Early diagnosis significantly increases survival rate and treatment outcomes. 

  • Primary diagnosis of oral malignancy

When Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMD) are discovered (e.g., leukoplakia, erythroplakia, oral lichen planus, oral submucous fibrosis)it must be investigated further, because such conditions increase the risk of developing into cancer.

  • Supplement biopsy report

To maximize diagnostic accuracy DNA Ploidy is done to supplement biopsy reports with quantitative and objective information about biological cell behavior at the molecular level and provide doctors with valuable information necessary for a successful treatment plan.

  • Second opinion 

DNA Ploidy test is an AI-powered test that overcomes limitations and bias of clinical and morphological sample analysis and provides the highest quality second opinion to the patient.

mouth cancer screening VELscope
oral malignancy diagnosis

3. Treatment: OPMD, Oral Pre-Cancers, Oral Cancers

Oral Cancer treatment can be a painful and exhausting experience. After treatment patients live with the constant fear of cancer coming back. DNA Ploidy test not only provides additional value monitoring treatment outcomes but also giving peace of mind. VELscope Guided Surgery reduces the risk of oral cancer recurrence up to 90% while routine DNA Ploidy test helps to monitor biological changes in cells.

  • Before Treatment (Surgery, Radiation, other)

DNA Ploidy test is done before treatment to identify aneuploidy and measure biological cell behavior in identified potentially malignant, pre-cancerous, or cancerous areas.

DNA Ploidy report before treatment sets the baseline of aneuploidy level before treatment which is crucial to plan treatment and follow-up progress of the treatment.

  • After Treatment

Once the treatment site is healed, a DNA Ploidy test is done to confirm there are no abnormal cells left in a treatment site that could develop into recurrent disease.

  • Lifelong Follow-up

Oral cancer survivors are at a lifelong risk to develop recurrent disease, thus regular monitoring is crucial.

DNA Ploidy test is painless, the most accurate, non-invasive test available today to provide a valuable report to a patient. Knowing what is happening in our cells gives us the power to live a long, healthy, and peaceful life.

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DNA Ploidy test diagnosis and recommendations

Improved Workflow & Happy Patients

Easy and Painless Oral Cancer Diagnosis

DNA Ploidy test improves the workflow and patients’ compliance. Both, doctors and patients prefer painless DNA Ploidy test for primary diagnosis, treatment follow up or screening over invasive and painful biopsy. Adding DNA Ploidy to a workflow reduces unnecessary biopsies and patient anxiety. Procedure doesn’t require any anesthesia and there is no bleeding or pain. DNA Ploidy report will provide valuable information about cells with abnormal DNA present in a sample, which suggest high risk of malignancy. Also information about biological cell behavior, such as cell cycling and proliferation.

Improved workflow VELscan DNA Ploidy test

1. Workflow with VELscope

  • DNA Ploidy test is performed after a comprehensive VELscan examination when using VELscope.  


  • VELscope enhances visualization of oral mucosa abnormalities, so disease can be detected early before it is visible with a naked eye.


  • Histopathology is recommended when cells with abnormal DNA index are detected with DNA Ploidy test.


  • Histology is done to confirm malignancy and determine the grade and stage of a tumor.

2. Workflow without VELscope

DNA Ploidy test can be done after clinical examination in a white light. Sample should be collected from a clinically visible suspicious or high risk area.

VELscan examination mouth cancer symptoms
Oral cancer tissue fluorescence visualization
Workflow 2 DNA Ploidy oral cancer diagnosis
Workflow 2 DNA Ploidy test oral cancer diagnosis
DNA Ploidy Sample is collected from suspicious area after conventional oral examination in a white light.

Painless DNA Ploidy Test Sample Collection

Painless & Easy to Use

DNA Ploidy test is absolutely painless and well accepted by patients. Sample for DNA Ploidy test is collected using high cellularity Rovers® Orcellex® Brush. This procedure is painless, there is no bleeding, and does not require anesthesia.

Sample collection for this AI-powered mouth cancer test is exactly the same as LBC PAP sample collection process.

Sample Collection Site

1. Routine screening for asymptomatic people and no abnormalities found with VELscan:

Brush over the most common sites for oral cancer to occur: Tongue, Floor of the mouth, gums, etc.

2. With deleterious habits and no visible lesion
Ask the patient about the placement of tobacco/ gutkha quid. Collect the sample from that area.

3. Abnormalities detected using VELscope and Oral Potentially Malignant disorders (OPMD)

Collect sample from suspicious area detected with VELscope of clinically apparent lesions

4. Follow-up after oral cancer treatment

Collect sample from the treatment site.

Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) may progress to oral cancer. As per WHO guidelines, OPMD (e.g., leukoplakia, erythroplakia, oral lichen planus, oral submucous fibrosis) must be investigated further.

Routine VELscan & DNA Ploidy test pays off

Routine Follow-up after treatment is crucial preventing recurrence or detecting it early. Comprehensive oral examination using VELscope device and DNA Ploidy test is a powerful combination monitoring biological cell behavior and preventing oral cancer recurrence.

Follow-up tongue cancer Csurgery important to prevent recurrence with dna ploidy

DNA Ploidy Test - Early, Accurate and Painless Oral Cancer Diagnosis

Artificial Intelligence empowers doctors to diagnose oral cancer before symptoms. Now you can start using Ai-Powered DNA Ploidy test with ZERO investment.

AI-Powered Diagnosis of Oral Cancer Before Symptoms

DNA Ploidy test is an AI-Powered quantitative diagnostic test to diagnose oral cancer early, accurately, and causing no pain for a patient.

DNA Ploidy Test is developed by British Columbia Cancer Research, Canada and Internationally standardized by 4th Consensus Reports of the European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology (ESACP).

DNA Ploidy Test can detect aneuploidy in squamous epithelium cells of oral mucosa up to 2 years earlier than cytology or histology alone.

Instant Benefits for Doctors & Patients

  • Highest Accuracy
  • Painless Sample Collection
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Quantitative Results
  • Non-Invasive
  • Cost-Effective
  • Early Detection of Cancer
  • Shows biological cell behavior
  • Reduce needless biopsies
  • Saves Lives

Learn & Get Your Complimentary DNA Ploidy Kit

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5 Reasons to Start Using DNA Ploidy Test Right Now

1. Painless Oral Cancer Test

AI Powered DNA Ploidy test collection kit

DNA Ploidy test is absolutely painless and well accepted by patients. Sample for DNA Ploidy test is collected using high cellularity Rovers® Orcellex® Brush. This procedure is painless, there is no bleeding  and does not require anesthesia.

Unique and patented design of the brush enables optimal collection, storage and release of cell material.

2. Power of AI at your practice

AI-Powered DNA Ploidy test measures DNA quantity within a cell and gives an exact number of abnormal cells in a sample. This data provides early, accurate and painless diagnosis of oral cancer.

DNA Ploidy test is based on aneuploidy, which is a proven biomarker for cancer for more than 100 years.

3. Grow practice with ZERO investment

DNA Ploidy grow medical practice

Now you can access world’s most advanced AI-Powered DNA Ploidy test for early detection of oral cancer with zero investment. Order DNA Ploidy test kits and get it delivered to  your practice. Test your patients, reduce their risk of deadly disease and grow your practice.

4. Diagnose Early - Stop Cancer

Early oral cancer signs

Doing DNA Ploidy test enables doctors to assess the risk of oral cancer with the painless procedure and provide accurate diagnosis up to 2 years earlier than cytology or histology alone with extremely high accuracy.

oral cancer diagnostic test

Most doctors don’t want to do a painful biopsy when only mild symptoms are present. This is due to the fact that pathology may give false-negative results in the early development of cancer because changes are happening within a cell and are not expressed morphologically. Thus painful procedure would be more damaging – giving a false sense of security, while oral cancer grows undisturbed and is diagnosed later already in the late-stage when difficult and expensive treatment is required.

5. Simply better than conventional diagnostic methods

DNA Imaging

Conventional diagnostic methods, such as cytology and histology are based on subjective morphological analysis of the sample, so very early changes that happen within the cell nucleus are not yet visible through a microscope even for the most experienced pathologist. Furthermore, human bias, sampling, and technological errors are often involved leading to the wrong diagnosis.

Meanwhile, the AI-powered DNA Ploidy test is objective, quantitative, and the most accurate painless and non-invasive test available today to detect oral cancer early.

DNA Ploidy test: 
Sensitivity 98% & Specificity 100% 

DNA Ploidy Test Application

Oral Cancer Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Doctors successfully utilize DNA Ploidy test fighting oral cancer through all the journey from prevention, diagnosis and painless follow-up method to minimize the risk of cancer recurrence.

VELscope Vx and DNA Ploidy test kit

DNA Ploidy test together with VELscope Vx system is extremely powerful combination fighting oral cancer. Enhanced visualization of oral abnormalities is very useful to detect oral abnormalities early and determine sample collection site for DNA Ploidy test or biopsy.

3 Ways to Grow Practice with DNA Ploidy Test

1. Wellness & Prevention

Screening is an important part of wellness ensuring long and healthy cancer-free life.

Oral cancer prevention with DNA Ploidy test painless
  • Routine screening for asymptomatic people

Oral cancer can happen to everyone – 25% of oral cancer cases report none of the known risk factors.

  • Regular screening for high-risk patients

When abnormal cells are detected early, in the pre-cancerous stage lifestyle change, or simple treatment can help to stop abnormal changes and prevent cancer from developing.

  • Cancer Patients Family Screening

Oral cancer can be happening due to genetic or environmental reasons, such as habits, HPV, pollution, so relatives of oral cancer patients are at a greater risk to develop this disease themselves.

2. Painless Oral Cancer Diagnosis

mouth cancer screening VELscope

DNA Ploidy test can detect oral cancer before symptoms and up to 2 years earlier than cytology or histology alone.

To diagnose oral cancer early using conventional methods is difficult, but with the DNA Ploidy test it becomes an easy and painless experience. An accurate and timely oral cancer diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment. Early diagnosis significantly increases survival rate and treatment outcomes.

oral malignancy diagnosis
  • Primary diagnosis of oral malignancy

When Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMD) are discovered (e.g., leukoplakia, erythroplakia, oral lichen planus, oral submucous fibrosis) it must be investigated further, because such conditions increase the risk of developing into cancer.

  • Supplement biopsy report

To maximize diagnostic accuracy DNA Ploidy is done to supplement biopsy reports with quantitative and objective information about biological cell behavior at the molecular level and provide doctors with valuable information necessary for a successful treatment plan.

  • Second opinion 

DNA Ploidy test is an AI-powered test that overcomes limitations and bias of clinical and morphological sample analysis and provides the highest quality second opinion to the patient.

3. Treatment: OPMD, Oral Pre-Cancers, Oral Cancers

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Oral Cancer treatment can be a painful and exhausting experience. After treatment patients live with the constant fear of cancer coming back. DNA Ploidy test not only provides additional value monitoring treatment outcomes but also giving peace of mind. VELscope Guided Surgery reduces the risk of oral cancer recurrence up to 90% while routine DNA Ploidy test helps to monitor biological changes in cells.  

  • Before Treatment (Surgery, Radiation, other)

DNA Ploidy test is done before treatment to identify aneuploidy and measure biological cell behavior in identified potentially malignant, pre-cancerous, or cancerous areas.

DNA Ploidy report before treatment sets the baseline of aneuploidy level before treatment which is crucial to plan treatment and follow-up progress of the treatment.

  • After Treatment

Once the treatment site is healed, a DNA Ploidy test is done to confirm there are no abnormal cells left in a treatment site that could develop into recurrent disease.

  • Lifelong Follow-up

Oral cancer survivors are at a lifelong risk to develop recurrent disease, thus regular monitoring is crucial.

DNA Ploidy test is painless, the most accurate, non-invasive test available today to provide a valuable report to a patient. Knowing what is happening in our cells gives us the power to live a long, healthy, and peaceful life.

DNA Ploidy test diagnosis and recommendations

Improved Workflow & Happy Patients

Easy and Painless Oral Cancer Diagnosis

Improved workflow VELscan DNA Ploidy test

DNA Ploidy test improves the workflow and patients’ compliance. Both, doctors and patients prefer painless DNA Ploidy test for primary diagnosis, treatment follow up or screening over invasive and painful biopsy. 

Adding DNA Ploidy to a workflow reduces unnecessary biopsies and patient anxiety.

 Procedure doesn’t require any anesthesia and there is no bleeding or pain. DNA Ploidy report will provide valuable information about cells with abnormal DNA present in a sample, which suggest high risk of malignancy. Also information about biological cell behavior, such as cell cycling and proliferation.

1. Workflow with VELscope

VELscan examination mouth cancer symptoms
Oral cancer tissue fluorescence visualization
  • DNA Ploidy test is performed after a comprehensive VELscan examination when using VELscope.

  • VELscope enhances visualization of oral mucosa abnormalities, so disease can be detected early before it is visible with a naked eye.

  • Histopathology is recommended when cells with abnormal DNA index are detected with DNA Ploidy test.

  • Histology is done to confirm malignancy and determine the grade and stage of a tumor.

2. Workflow without VELscope

DNA Ploidy test can be done after clinical examination in a white light. Sample should be collected from a clinically visible suspicious or high risk area.

Workflow 2 DNA Ploidy oral cancer diagnosis
Workflow 2 DNA Ploidy test oral cancer diagnosis
DNA Ploidy Sample is collected from suspicious area after conventional oral examination in a white light.

Painless DNA Ploidy Test Sample Collection

Painless & Easy to Use

DNA Ploidy test is absolutely painless and well accepted by patients. Sample for DNA Ploidy test is collected using high cellularity Rovers® Orcellex® Brush. This procedure is painless, there is no bleeding, and does not require anesthesia.

Sample collection for this AI-powered mouth cancer test is exactly the same as LBC PAP sample collection process.

Sample Collection Site

1. Routine screening for asymptomatic people and no abnormalities found with VELscan:

Brush over the most common sites for oral cancer to occur: Tongue, Floor of the mouth, gums, etc.

2. With deleterious habits and no visible lesion

Ask the patient about the placement of tobacco/ gutkha quid. Collect the sample from that area.

3. Abnormalities detected using VELscope and Oral Potentially Malignant disorders (OPMD)

Collect sample from suspicious area detected with VELscope of clinically apparent lesions

4. Follow-up after oral cancer treatment

Collect sample from the treatment site.

Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) may progress to oral cancer. As per WHO guidelines, OPMD (e.g., leukoplakia,  erythroplakia, oral lichen planus, oral submucous fibrosis) must be investigated further.

Routine VELscan & DNA Ploidy test pays off

Follow-up tongue cancer Csurgery important to prevent recurrence with dna ploidy

Routine Follow-up after treatment is crucial preventing recurrence or detecting it early. Comprehensive oral examination using VELscope device and DNA Ploidy test is a powerful combination monitoring biological cell behavior and preventing oral cancer recurrence.

Rent VELscope & Get Special Bonus DNA Ploidy Test Offer

Rent VELscope & Get Special Bonus DNA Ploidy Test Offer